About Access & Acceleration

Both German and Danish healthcare sectors are confronted with challenges such as the demographic change, shifting treatment requirements and rising costs. To meet these challenges and develop new innovative ideas, technologies and products in the healthcare sector, the continuous exchange between companies, hospitals and research institutions is of great importance.

With its interdisciplinary approach, the Access & Acceleration project aims to establish a cross-border platform that will enable key players in the health sector to connect and cooperate with each other to initiate innovative processes.

Project facts

  • Total budget: 2.9 million Euros
  • Around 1.7 million Euros funding granted by Interreg Deutschland-Danmark
  • Project duration: April 2019 – March 2022


Project advisory board

The project advisory board supports Access & Acceleration during the whole project lifetime. With its expert knowledge and
constructive impulses from the perspective of potential users and stakeholders, the advisory board members contributes to the strategic development of the project.



  • Else-Marie Bladbjerg (Hospital of South West Jutland, Unit for thrombosis research)
  • Leon Bodenhagen (University of Southern Denmark, The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute)
  • Svenja Jaffari (Syddansk Sundhedsinnovation)
  • Dr. Hinrich Habeck (Life Science Nord Management GmbH)
  • Lars Mathiesen Jessen (LMJ Consulting)