Stages of the innovation process

To effectively utilise the potential of the two different healthcare systems and to support projects that are already further advanced, the project partners consider the different stages of the innovation process:

Ideation stage

Development stage

Market stage

Project publications

Final Reports

In the following reports, the various project teams once again describe their process in each of the work packages. The final report summarises the work packages and findings over the course of the project and provides an outlook as to what might happen after Access & Acceleration.



Image video

This image video of the project explains what it could look like if the Access & Acceleration platform is used to launch medical innovations in the German-Danish border region.


Click here to get to the Danish version

Click here to get to the German version


Project brochure


Project flyer

This Danish flyer summarises the project in a nutshell: What is the innovation potential of the project? What are the results and who can use these results? In addition, it provides an overview of all partners involved.


Download: Access_Projekt flyer.pdf (2,2 MiB)


Project poster

This poster briefly summarises the activities and goals of the project. The poster is available in Danish and in German.


Download: Access_poster_A3_DA.pdf (1,2 MiB)

Download: Access_poster_A3_DE.pdf (1,2 MiB)



This large-format roll-up was designed as an outdoor advertising medium. The rollup is available in Danish and German.


Download: Rollup-Access-DA.pdf (1,8 MiB)

Download: Rollup-Access-DE.pdf (1,8 MiB)



Platform publications

Platform video

In this video, Dr. Katharina Rubahn explains how the Access & Acceleration Plattform can be used.


Flyer: Access & Acceleration-Platform